Bed Bugs in Alberta: Tiny Terrors Lurking in Your Home – Learn How to Detect, Prevent, and Eliminate These Nocturnal Pests with Expert Tips from Pest Control Professionals.
Cluster Flies – In preparation for the winter, these pests look for a cozy, warm place like your house to hibernate for the cold months to awaken when it gets…
Ants, those tiny creatures, are not just a nuisance but also a potential threat to your home. They are among the most common household pests, adept at infiltrating spaces where…
Wasps are one of the most loathed pests in Alberta because of their un-friendly behaviour and vicious stinging habits. Warm weather and pretty flowers are often welcome signs of spring…
Six months out of the year in Alberta, most people usually do not have to worry about encountering spiders. This is due to the freezing temperatures that drive them out…
Year after year, we see an increasing number of cockroaches in Alberta. According to MyHealth Alberta, the most commonly encountered species here is the German cockroach. However, Alberta has been…