Warm weather means rocking in your favourite chair on the porch, playing catch, and dodging wasps. Don't let them ruin your good time, though. With a little help from Assassin…
Has your home turned into an ant highway? Is there a line of ants marching along the bottom of your wall, disappearing into a crack? If that's the case, you have an…
Have you been seeing more creepy crawlies around the home than you're comfortable with? The occasional spider shouldn't concern you. Remember, spiders are helpful when it comes to getting rid of other pests.…
German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach found in Canada.
The German cockroach population is on the rise. What does this mean for you? Your home or apartment…
Social wasps are considered aggressive, even when unprovoked. The venom can cause severe allergic reactions. Although wasps are beneficial, they can become a problem. Wasps will sting to protect their…
Scheduling time for sanitation and preventative maintenance tasks is crucial for any bakery.
Follow This Pest Control Checklist For Bakeries To Help Keep Your Space Clean And Up-To-Par With Regulations.
Bed Bug Exterminator
Check out this cool video from BrainStuff - HowStuffWorks on the topic of how bed bugs work:
Transcript: You’ve just woken up. Something smells musty and sweet… When…
Cockroach Pest Control
The most common cockroach found in Alberta is the German cockroach. Cockroaches in Alberta are not only a nuisance, but also a significant health risk. These pests…
Food safety is one of the most important aspects of operating a restaurant.
Customers trust that the food they’re purchasing was consistently stored, prepared, and handled in a sanitary…